Green UPS

The University has made a concrete commitment to support the environment with the project “eCOMUNITY. GREEN UPS”. The project, which was presented on 22 November 2021, was launched in early 2022 and has achieved important goals.

The UPS, which is part of the Network of Sustainable Universities and the Laudato Si' Initiative Platform (PILS), is to all intents and purposes an Energy Community. In fact, it will be possible to share the energy produced, avoiding wasteful or costly energy storage. The project envisages the adoption of an Energy Policy that has already led to obtaining 50001 Certification with the aim of creating a virtuous balance between man and nature through innovation and technology.

The efficiency project includes three main phases:

  1. the replacement of thermal power plants,
  2. the installation of photovoltaic systems,
  3. the installation of electric charging stations.

The first step has been completed: efficiency upgrading of the 6 thermal power plants composed of 11 high-efficiency condensing boilers with a total thermal power of 3.24 MW. The data showed a 20% reduction in energy consumption and therefore a significant reduction in Co2 emissions

The second phase was completed in March 2023 with the installation of photovoltaic systems.

The third phase was completed in May 2023 with the installation of electric charging stations.

“Imagine a forest of 4000 trees as big as the island of Ventotene" - this is the horizon and the impact that the energy efficiency activities developed by the University will have. An urban, environmental and at the same time educational regeneration, the result of the commitment of every member of our academic community, which will also inspire the residents living around the campus.