Activity Report
of the Association

Pro Universitate Don Bosco Association (APUDBO), in the academic year 2022-2023, continued its commitment to supporting deserving students in economically disadvantaged conditions at the Pontifical Salesian University. Both subsidies and scholarships were promoted for new enrollments, as well as for students already enrolled who, for various reasons, found themselves facing economically challenging periods. The post-pandemic period and the difficulties caused by the Russo-Ukrainian conflict have certainly had significant economic repercussions for many families.

  • On 2 December 2022, the third fundraising concert promoted by the Associazione Pro Universitate Don Bosco was held, titled “We Believe in the Future.” The event was organized by Dr. Francesco Langella and Dr. Veronica Petrocchi. The concert featured the Fanfare of the 4th Regiment of Carabinieri on Horseback and the participation of some artists, as well as the involvement of student Aurora Tetto and other students who are beneficiaries of the Association’s subsidies and scholarships. The evening was presented, as in previous editions, by actor Federico Perrotta. During the evening, which was attended by numerous Officers of the Carabinieri, the Army, and the Guardia di Finanza, professionals, Salesian Cooperators, and donors, Mrs. Margherita Caruso, president of the Coletta Association, donated a scholarship of €3,000 in memory of her husband, Giuseppe Coletta, who died in the Nassiriya massacre on 12 November 2003.
  • On 24 January 2023, the extraordinary assembly of the Association and the Board of Directors met and approved the new statute - adapted to the Third Sector Code pursuant to Legislative Decree July 3, 2017, No. 117 -, the new regulation for subsidies and scholarship calls, and finally, the new logo.
  • On 28 January 2023, thanks to the grant won together with ASD Don Bosco Nuovo Salario and the Pontifical Salesian University, APUDBO participated in organizing the conference “Sport and the Third Sector: Opportunities and Perspectives between the Two Reforms,” which featured the participation of important sports figures and included an address by the President of CONI, Giovanni Malagò.
  • In April 2023, the 5x1000 campaign was launched, an idea born from the work of three students from the Faculty of Social Communication Sciences. For the graphic proposal, one of the suggested images was used: some colored pencils (a typical element of study) symbolizing the variety of talents that, thanks to the help of the Associazione Pro Universitate Don Bosco and its supporters, can become “sharpened” and begin to write the future of many boys and girls. The claim: “With your tax return, LEAVE A MARK,” is intended as a call and invitation to donate as much as possible of the 5x1000 to the Association.
  • On 18, 19 and 23 May 2023, the Evaluation Committee (composed of Fr. Andrea Bozzolo, Fr. Michal Vojtas, Fr. Renzo Barduca, and Francesco Langella) met to review the applications received in light of the call for subsidies and scholarships for the academic year 2023/2024. Thanks to the increase in donations obtained during 2022, the Committee was able to award 12 grants to students, selected based on objective criteria: economic and family situation, academic career, and disability. The total amount disbursed by the Association will be €14,000.00 (more than double compared to the previous year).
  • On 6 June 2023, the ordinary assembly of the Association and the Board of Directors met and approved the 2022 financial statements, the 2023 budget, and the allocation of subsidies and study grants proposed by the Evaluation Committee.
  • On 8 June 2023, the Associazione Pro Universitate Don Bosco received the registration determination to the RUNTS pursuant to and for the purposes of Article 47 of Legislative Decree No. 117/2017 and Article 9 of Ministerial Decree No. 106 of September 15, 2020.
  • On 15 June 2023, the event “A Step from Broadway” took place, a fundraising evening to support the Associazione Pro Universitate Don Bosco. The idea came from the proposal of the dance group “Steps on Broadway” of the amateur sports association Montesacro Roma 1987, a very active organization in the area, whose students - mothers and professionals with a great passion for modern dance - took care of promoting our Association. About 350 people attended the event.
  • Between August and September, APUDBO responded to the call from the “Con i Bambini” foundation, which promoted a national project on the “Psychological Well-being of Adolescents.” In collaboration with the presidency of the III Municipality of Rome, a territorial partnership of 26 Associations, Cooperatives, Schools, as well as the Municipality, ASL, and the Pontifical Salesian University was organized. The Association acted as the lead, coordinating the entire project development, budget (approximately 960,000 euros), and presentation, thanks to the work of Francesco Langella and the support of two project designers.
  • Dr. Francesco Langella has also continued working on the normalization of the database with the inclusion of new donors, benefactors, and Alumni. The dialogue with Entities and Associations for joint projects with cultural and fundraising purposes also continues.


Piazza dell'Ateneo Salesiano, 1 - 00139 Roma
Phone: 06.87290.229 - WhatsApp 340 730 5811

How to become a donor

Making a donation to:
Piazza Ateneo Salesiano, 1 - 00139 Roma
Tax code: 97536950583

Bank account

  • Italy
    Banca Popolare di Sondrio Ag. n. 19 di Roma
    IBAN:    IT 79 Q056 9603 2190 0000 3622 X21
  • Abroad
    Banca Popolare di Sondrio Ag. n. 19 di Roma
    IBAN:   IT 79 Q056 9603 2190 0000 3622 X21

Online donation

Donating 5x1000

Tax code: 97536950583
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