Stories and

Since the Association was founded, we have been able to support and assist many students in their educational journey. Some have been pleased to share their experiences in various ways, and we provide several examples below.

The students supported by the Association are both lay and religious and come from about 100 countries around the world!


Italy, Faculty of Education Sciences

The choice of this Faculty was clear since high school. My previous education in human sciences and my service within the Church in Catholic Action only guided and strengthened my vocation.

I believe that the experiences accumulated over these years have led me to better and more precisely understand my future vision.

Being supported over these years by my loved ones and, during this period, by the Associazione Pro Universitate Don Bosco, has allowed me to understand who I want to become, an educational figure capable of guiding people to concretely recognize their resources and offer them to others.

I learned about the Pro Universitate Don Bosco Association some time ago through the testimonies of other colleagues. From the very beginning, I received attention and understanding for my difficulties.

Some events initially discouraged me, and the obstacles I faced did not allow me to have the enthusiasm to continue my studies. However, I thank the Association, which, with its focus on young people, has restored my motivation to complete my university studies. 

Haiti, Faculty of Christian and Classical Letters

I came to Rome to complete my education and undertake studies in Christian and Classical Letters at the Pontifical Salesian University. This experience has not been easy, but the help from the Associazione Pro Universitate Don Bosco has been indescribable; I can’t find the right words to describe how important it was to receive the scholarship and complete my education. I believe that the Association’s support for students is indispensable, and I hope it can continue because it is a resource that accompanies and gives hope to university students and researchers in difficulty who truly desire to study for a more humane and just world. 

Italy, School of Specialization in Clinical Psychology

After graduating with a master’s degree from UPS and passing the State Exam, in August 2019, I decided to start the School of Specialization in Psychotherapy. I had some savings and a lot of enthusiasm; time in class flew by, and I met fantastic people. Meanwhile, I worked part-time with a cooperative as an educator in schools, and in the evenings, I earned extra money in a pizzeria. The days were full but satisfying. Then came March 2020 and the Covid emergency: lockdown, schools, and commercial activities closed. It was a tough period, and I began to worry about not being able to continue the training I had started just the year before. During those months, I was forced to use my savings. I feared I would no longer be able to pay the school fees and tuition, facing the idea of having to temporarily suspend my academic journey.

Meeting the Associazione Pro Universitate Don Bosco along my path allowed me to still be in those classrooms, to continue my training, and to keep building my professional path: in the midst of a pandemic that forced me to give up many things and adapt to often unpleasant changes, the Association allowed me not to give up on myself, on what makes me feel good, on what is my future, and for this, I will always be immensely grateful. 

Croatia, Faculty of Education Sciences

Choosing the University was not just about identifying my future job, but discovering my vocation: what does the Lord want for me?

One day, while browsing the Internet, I searched for the Italian translation of “stipendije,” “scholarships,” and I found the Associazione Pro Universitate Don Bosco. I tried to send my application, and when I received the news, I couldn’t believe it. My dream had come true.

My thanks go to the Association, which recognized my desire to study and the circumstances that prevented it. Without the scholarship, undertaking the course of study in Social Pedagogy would not have been possible.

Italy, Faculty of Christian and Classical Letters

I fought for my dream: to become a philologist. My Greek teacher in high school did not consider me adequate, and my university supervisor abandoned me a month before the thesis submission.

I was in trouble. Without a degree, I couldn’t enroll at UPS, but the faculty helped me complete my previous studies, enriching them with new knowledge. No one else would have done it, and for this, I am immensely grateful.

I completed the Licentiate cycle with the critical edition of an unpublished Byzantine text, with the satisfaction of having given my best and having realized my most beautiful expectations, thanks to the warmth and support of family, friends, and professors.

My dream of becoming a Philologist continues: next academic year, I will enter the Doctorate, thanks to the support of the benefactors of the Association. Behind this contribution to my studies is a story of sacrifice, especially from my parents, who have always helped and encouraged me to complete my journey, and a desire for redemption and recognition that is often very difficult for a woman to achieve.


Piazza dell'Ateneo Salesiano, 1 - 00139 Roma
Phone: 06.87290.229 - WhatsApp 340 730 5811

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    Banca Popolare di Sondrio Ag. n. 19 di Roma
    IBAN:    IT 79 Q056 9603 2190 0000 3622 X21
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    Banca Popolare di Sondrio Ag. n. 19 di Roma
    IBAN:   IT 79 Q056 9603 2190 0000 3622 X21

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