Who are we

University Pastoral Ministry

The University entrusts pastoral animation and coordination to a "University Pastoral Team". The Team, in constant dialogue with the Rector or his Delegate, takes care of the actualisation of what could be called the primary purpose of each house of Don Bosco: the Salesian Educative Pastoral Project (SEPP), with its four dimensions:

Education and Culture

Through training and communication initiatives, EPU takes care of some important social services (support for the residential apartments for students, help in obtaining a residence permit, the relationship with the Police, the Police Headquarters and the Municipality), artistic visits, cultural events, and the relationship with the territory.

Evangelisation and Catechesis

Initiatives of liturgical and spiritual animation, the encounter with the Good News of Christ with liturgical celebrations, prayer initiatives (in different languages), retreats, and so on.

Group Experience

It is animated through the coordination and orientation of various animation groups existing in UPS.

Vocation Dimension

It is handled explicitly through “Listening Points”, and implicitly throughout the formative proposal, in the informal dialogues, in the meetings and conferences scheduled during the year.

The University Pastoral Service organises and promotes the following groups:


Student Secretariat
  • Collaborates in the realization of the major events of the university;
  • Disseminates and updates information and means of community animation;
  • Maintains the contacts necessary for the Team's functions and actions;
  • Gathers the documentation of the University Pastoral Ministry and takes care of its archiving.

The Team for all its functions is in constant contact with the Coordinator of the University Pastoral Ministry, Prof. don Luis Rosòn and prof. don Michal Vojtáš. The working hours of the Student Office usually coincides with the interval at 10.20 am; at other times, according to the needs and possibilities of the various secretaries and students. The person in charge is Prof. Don Tiziano Conti (conti@unisal.it).



Intercultural Animation

The richness of the University is its internationality and interculturality, a space for encounter among persons who come from all over the world; this is why the University Pastoral Ministry organizes National and/or Continental Groups, moments of intercultural exchange, such as during the Christmas period ("Journey of the World", "Christmas Carols" for nations and/or continents during the Christmas season; "Encounter of Peoples").



University Choir

The university choir, open to university professors and students, offers a quality liturgical musical youth culture. Its musical proposal, integrating different sensitivities and styles, fosters a climate of participation and favors the creation of a place for encounter and friendship.

The Master of the choir is Fr Santiago Gassin.

The Musical Animation Group, in dialogue with the Liturgical Group, is particularly active in the major litrugical celebrations at the university: the celebration of the inauguration of the academic year, the feasts of Don Bosco, Mary Help of Christians. It organises every year the Christmas Concert.



Liturgical Animation and Prayer

The daily liturgical animation groups, taken care of by Prof. Fr Komlanvi Samuel Amaglo (amaglo@unisal.it), ensure careful attention in the daily masses, promoting the participation of all, internationality and youthfulness. The University's major celebrations, especially the Eucharist at the beginning of the Academic Year and the feast of Mary Help of Christians, and the occasions of Eucharistic adoration are taken care of by Prof. Fr José Luiz Lima De Mendonça (limadmj@unisal.it).



Sports Animation

During the year, it promotes sports such as Football, Volleyball, Basketball and Table Tennis.

The Group takes care of the organizational aspects, advertising, registrations, the fixtures, the preparation of the sports fields, refereeing, scorekeeping, etc., and oragnises the timeslots in which the sports fields could be used, even apart from when there are tournaments. The Group is coordinated by prof. Fr. Paweł Wator (wator@unisal.it), with the collaboration of some students.



Volunteering-Social Generativity Workshops

In order to enhance the culture of GIVING, RECIPROCITY, TRUST and SOLIDARITY, the University promotes various opportunities to experience EXPERIENCES OF VOLUNTEERING and/or GENERATING INITIATIVES of social impact. Participating in these initiatives during course of studies helps to stimulate one's interpersonal skills and to exercise active citizenship.

The leaders of the volunteer group are prof. Fr. Ferdinand Kalengayi (kalengayi@unisal.it) and prof. Isabella Cordisco (cordisco@unisal.it).



Volunteers for Civil Service

The Civil Service volunteers collaborate with the University Pastoral, the Don Bosco Study Centre and the International Youth Observatory and are coordinated by Dr Davide Basili (basili@unisal.it).

The project they are part of, entitled "Welcoming, knowing and animating differences," has the general objective of enhancing the university's library and cultural resources and facilitating students' access to these resources. In particular, they are responsible for increasing student participation in cultural and intercultural events (together with the Student Secretariat and the Communication and Development Office), supporting and promoting university study for all students, especially students of foreign origin.




The University offers students the opportunity to experiment through an artistic laboratory, in which the individual identity opens up and the person can develop inner resources, live experiences of transformation and self-improvement. Everyone can participate, because the emphasis is not on technique, but on the opportunity to express oneself through animation and theatrical language.

The group is coordinated by prof. Carmen Barbieri (barbieri@unisal.it).



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