
Psychology: New Developments Introduced by Interministerial Decree No. 654 of July 5, 2022, and the Recognition of Foreign Degrees

Simplification of access to the profession of psychologist in Italy and clarifications regarding the Psychology License issued by the Pontifical Salesian University
  30 agosto 2024

Interministerial Decree No. 654 of July 5, 2022, has introduced significant changes in the training and qualification process for graduates in Psychology (class LM-51). This decree, issued in implementation of Articles 1 and 3 of Law No. 163 of November 8, 2021, aims to simplify access to the profession of psychologist in Italy.

The main innovation is the introduction of the qualifying master’s degree, which allows graduates in Psychology to obtain professional qualification directly upon obtaining their degree, without having to take the state exam. This change is intended to facilitate the entry of young psychologists into the labor market, reducing the time and costs required to start the profession.

The decree stipulates that, to be admitted to the final exam, students must have completed at least 30 university credits (CFU) in professional internship activities. These internships are essential to ensure that future psychologists have adequate practical training, complementing the theoretical preparation acquired during their studies.

The final exam of the master’s degree course thus represents both the conclusion of the academic path and the formal act of qualification for the profession.

For those who obtain a psychology degree from non-Italian universities and wish to practice the profession in Italy, the process of recognizing the degree follows specific procedures.

The situation of the Pontifical Salesian University is particular in that the Psychology License it issues is considered, by virtue of the MURST Decree of January 2, 1990, equivalent to the Psychology Degree issued in Italy for the purpose of admission to the state exam.

The 2022 regulation therefore makes it appropriate for a new ministerial decree to automatically declare the Psychology License issued by the Pontifical Salesian University as qualifying for the practice of the profession of psychologist, and a timely request for this was made to the MUR on June 17, 2024.

The National University Council, on January 16, 2024, gave a positive opinion regarding the possibility that the Psychology License issued by the Pontifical Salesian University could be considered equivalent to the Master’s Degree in Psychology (LM-51) issued by Italian universities, once the provisions of Law No. 163/2021 and D.I. 654/2022 have been implemented.

The Psychology License program at the Pontifical Salesian University has been completely updated and aligned with the aforementioned regulations.

Pending this decree, the provisions of Article 1 of Legislative Decree No. 567 of June 20, 2022, which introduces specific transitional provisions for the qualification to practice the profession of psychologist, will be followed. This decree was issued in implementation of Article 7, paragraph 1, of Law No. 1631 of November 8, 2021.

In particular, Article 1 establishes that those who have obtained or obtain a master’s degree in psychology under the previous non-qualifying educational systems can acquire the qualification to practice as a psychologist after completing a practical-evaluative internship and a practical evaluative test. This allows graduates to complete their practical training and demonstrate the necessary skills to practice the profession.

Therefore, pending the issuance of the aforementioned decree by the MUR, students of the Pontifical Salesian University will complete the required internship during their studies but will take the Practical Evaluative Test (PPV) after the final Licentiate exam.