On February 21, 2025, starting from 10:00 AM, at the Juan Vecchi Hall of the Pontifical Salesian University (UPS), a conference titled: "The Recovery of Real Estate Assets towards the Social Economy: Skills and Strategies at the Service of the Common Good" will be held.
The conference is part of the degree program in Management and Law of ETS and Social Economy, hosted by the Faculty of Philosophy at UPS. The social economy represents a fertile ground where different worlds can be combined and innovative experiences can be tested. For this reason, the conference aims to place the enhancement of the country's public and private real estate assets at the center of new development in the social economy.
A dialogue with representatives of the Italian Government and Ecclesiastical Institutions is therefore necessary to evaluate and understand which vehicles and implementation methods will be suitable for promoting the allocation of these assets for general interest purposes, also through social economy entities.
The objective includes not only public assets but also private assets managed by non-profit entities and Religious Entities through the many works present in the country. These actors, in the historical phase we are experiencing, are in continuous transformation thanks to the evolution of the social economy and the push offered by the reform of the Third sector.
The questions that the conference will try to answer, representing the beginning of a common work and path, are many. What could be the destinations related to the large public and private real estate assets with reference to the social purpose? Can religious entities and Third Sector entities be the interlocutors for this type of destination? To what extent can incentives favor this process of linking real estate assets and the social economy? And finally, to what extent can urban regeneration and the legislative and economic instruments provided ensure the recovery of assets for objectives related to the common good?
In this scenery, the Pontifical Salesian University intends to provide a contribution of research, analysis, and monitoring, promoting dialogue between various institutional and social economy actors, fostering projects capable of developing forms of urban regeneration and asset enhancement in the context of the social economy., the Pontifical Salesian University intends to provide a contribution of research, analysis, and monitoring, promoting dialogue between various institutional and social economy actors, fostering projects capable of developing forms of urban regeneration and asset enhancement in the context of the social economy.
To this end, the new project related to the establishment of an Observatory on Real Estate Assets and Social Destination will be presented. With a first project involving not only the Pontifical Salesian University but also the collaboration of some partners, including Intesa Sanpaolo, the National Union Pro Loco of Italy (UNPLI), Censis (Center for Social Investment Studies), the Association of Artisans and Small Enterprises Mestre (CGIA).
The Observatory's primary objective is to map public and private real estate assets, linked to ecclesiastical entities but not limited to them, with the aim of monitoring, studying, and enhancing real estate assets in a sustainable and innovative perspective. Strategies that respond to social and economic needs must be developed, also through research, training, and dissemination activities. The Observatory intends to become a reference point for academics, professionals, and institutions, promoting a conscious and sustainable management of real estate assets.
The recovery of real estate assets can represent, in this period, for the many subjects operating in the social economy, a valid support for the performance of their activities in support of the common good.
Opening remarks
Andrea Bozzolo | Rector Magnificus of the Pontifical Salesian University
- Maurizio Leo | Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance
- Matteo Maria Zuppi | President of CEI
- Lucia Albano | Undersecretary of the Ministry of Economy and Finance
- Gabriele Sepio | UPS Professor of Tax Law - E-IUS
- Luigi Gaetani | President of CISM
- Elisa Zambito | UPS Professor of Ethical and Solidarity Finance Instruments - Intesa Sanpaolo
- Nino La Spina | President of Fondazione Pro Loco Italia
- Elio Cesari | President of CNOS
Maria Carla De Cesari | Journalist Sole 24 Ore
To participate, registration is required through the following link: