Memorial Donations
and Bequests


Whatever your estate, for us the true gift is your generosity and benevolence towards others. You can decide to donate a part of your inheritance to the Pro Universitate Don Bosco Association through a will. The Association will commit to protecting your assets and passing on the importance of your gesture and the value of your sacrifices.

Our primary commitment will be the protection, as required by law, of your children and relatives, but even a small part of your assets, destined for the Association, will sow and produce more good, making your gesture eternal and precious for the many young people who will be able to afford a university education thanks to your gift.


"Near or far, I always think of you. My only desire is to see you happy in time and eternity" Saint John Bosco 

Memorial Donations

If you want to remember a loved one who meant a lot to you, you can decide to make a donation to the Pro Universitate Don Bosco Association and link it to a scholarship named after your loved one or your company or foundation. In this way, you will always keep alive the memory of someone who was so important to you and make them important for those who, thanks to your gesture, will be able to educate themselves and change their lives!


Piazza dell'Ateneo Salesiano, 1 - 00139 Roma
Phone: 06.87290.229 - WhatsApp 340 730 5811

How to Become a Donor

Make a donation to:
Piazza Ateneo Salesiano, 1 - 00139 Roma
Tax code: 97536950583

Bank account

  • Italy
    Banca Popolare di Sondrio Ag. n. 19 di Roma
    IBAN:    IT 79 Q056 9603 2190 0000 3622 X21
  • Abroad
    Banca Popolare di Sondrio Ag. n. 19 di Roma
    IBAN:   IT 79 Q056 9603 2190 0000 3622 X21

Online donation

Donating the 5x1000

Tax code: 97536950583
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