Master’s Degree in Ethics, Economy, and Law of the Third Sector

The Third Sector

The term Third Sector refers to the complex of entities that pursue, without profit, civic, solidarity, and social utility purposes, based on the principle of subsidiarity. These entities (also known by the acronym ETS) operate through organizational models based on the contribution of volunteers and mutualistic or entrepreneurial forms aimed at the exchange of goods and services.

Although the expression Third Sector qualifies it as “third” compared to the two traditional sectors (state and market), it now represents a fundamental reference point for the development of the social economy. In Europe alone, there are 2.8 million non-profit organizations that employ 13.6 million people, including one million in Italy, where more than 5.5 million volunteers operate. 

Ongoing Changes and the Need for New Skills

In recent years, the Third Sector has been experiencing a period of legislative and organizational change. In Italy, for example, the recent promulgation of the Third Sector Code has introduced significant innovations in legal instruments, reporting and transparency rules, and forms of control, opening up innovative ways to access public funds and offering new social finance tools.

The changes introduced by the legislation and the consolidation of more complex organizational models require an evolution in the training offer. Working in the social economy sector requires combining skills traditionally offered through distinct academic paths, such as ethical-humanistic, economic, legal, business, social planning, and others.

Reasons for an Innovative Academic Proposal

To meet the need for Third Sector operators and managers capable of combining an anthropological vision based on solidarity humanism and specifically oriented technical professionalism, the Pontifical Salesian University, in line with its charismatic inspiration and mission, has decided to promote a degree course dedicated to new skills in the Third Sector, in the works of religious entities, and more broadly, in the organizational models of the social economy.

It aims to train the operator (first cycle) and the manager (second cycle) of the Third Sector, with a path specifically designed to enable them to face the challenges of ongoing changes.

The Degree Course

The curriculum is structured in a first cycle leading to a Bachelor’s Degree in “Management and Law of ETS and Social Economy” and a second cycle conferring a Master’s Degree in “Ethics, Economy, and Law of the Third Sector,” with various specializations. In the academic year 2023/2024, the specializations will be activated in:

The curriculum aims to develop knowledge and skills in the culture of the common good and volunteering, in administration, management and reporting, in social planning and fundraising, in the tax and financial planning of entities. Special attention is given to the connection between academic training and the operational and managerial models of religious and third sector entities, thanks to an internship program that involves students in the activities of the most important third sector realities and the works carried out by religious entities.

Scientific Committee

Prof. Luigi BOBBA

Prof. Renato Tarcisio DE MORAES

Prof. Cristiana FRENI

Prof. Massimiliano GIORGI

Prof. Alessandro LOMBARDI

Prof. Don Joshtrom Isaac KUREETHADAM

Prof. Gabriele SEPIO

Prof. Stefano ZAMAGNI


The Master’s Degree in Ethics, Economy, and Law of the Third Sector offers two specializations:

Specialization in Social Organization and Human Development Sciences
Specialization in Development Cooperation