UPS Patronage request

Patronage is a form of recognition through which the Pontifical Salesian University, hereinafter UPS, expresses its symbolic support for an initiative deemed worthy for the scientific, cultural, and social validity of the proposed themes, relevant to the purposes and areas of intervention of UPS.

Patronage can be granted particularly for:

  • cultural, scientific, educational, sports, and social events of significant local, national and international importance;
  • conferences, congresses, projects, local, national and international study and research initiatives of particular importance;
  • publications related to the initiatives listed above.

The following may apply for patronage:

  • Entities and Public Institutions;
  • Entities, Associations, Foundations, and other Institutions and organizations of a cultural, scientific, educational, sports, economic, and social nature of local, national, and international interest that operate without profit and/or political propaganda purposes.

Initiatives that have a direct profit-making purpose or that come from Entities deemed unsuitable are not eligible for patronage.

UPS patronage is always granted free of charge and is exercised through the authorization to use the name and institutional logo on posters, flyers, brochures, publications, web pages, or any other promotional material, following the guidelines provided by the Communication and Development Office.

To obtain patronage, interested parties must submit an application through the “UPS patronage request form”, addressed to the Rector (if requesting UPS patronage) or to a Dean (if requesting Faculty patronage), at least one month before the event.

  • In the case of a UPS patronage request, the Rector, or the person/office delegated by them, evaluates the application and sends written authorization to the applicant - accompanied by the UPS logo and typographical guidelines for its use - informing the Communication and Development Office.
  • In the case of a Faculty patronage request, the Dean evaluates the application and sends written authorization to the applicant - accompanied by the Faculty logo and typographical guidelines for its use - informing the Rector and the Communication and Development Office.

Sponsored entities use the name and logo of UPS or its Faculties with the wording: «Under the Patronage of UPS», «Under the Patronage of UPS, Faculty …». In the case of multiple sponsorships, the term “Patronages” will be used (followed by the list of sponsors, among which UPS or the Faculty must obviously be included as indicated above).

The final file of the graphic products, featuring the UPS or Faculty logo, must be sent to the Communication and Development Office at the email address:, for approval. The same material can be published on the institutional channels of UPS and/or the Faculties.

The patronage does not imply any financial or logistical-organizational burdens on UPS or the Faculties.

In any case, the granting of patronage must not cause any damage to the prestige and image of UPS or the Faculties.

Failure to comply with any of the indicated points will result in the revocation of the patronage.


  UPS Patronage Request Form