Research project

Young People, Affections and Identity

The research project “Young People, Affections and Identity” stems from the awareness that the profound changes in affective culture taking place in the Western world are having a significant impact on the growth of new generations. The nature of these changes is so intricate and complex that they cannot be reduced to summary descriptions and hasty interpretations. The most qualifying feature of the ongoing evolution lies in the ambivalence of the phenomena in which it manifests: deviant tendencies mix with positive acquisitions, from which they draw persuasive effectiveness in the common opinion. A new attention to the world of relationships, respect for individual experiences, the role of women, and freedom and responsibility in the act of generation intertwine with a playful approach to sexuality, a contraceptive mentality, widespread uncertainty about the meaning of sexual difference, and a highly questionable social construction of the affective imagination. This ambivalence fuels anthropological confusion and ethical disorientation among children, adolescents, and young people, which educators cannot remain resigned spectators to.

The awareness within the Christian world of the socio-cultural and theological-ecclesial scope of this complexity has so far been below the needs of interpretation, discernment, and educational and pastoral elaboration. For this reason, many parents, educators, teachers, consecrated persons, and priests declare themselves unprepared to explain to the new generations the anthropological and ethical convictions they hold about the meaning and destination of affections. It is therefore essential that the cultural institutions of the Church commit to developing a Christian language capable of engaging with such cultural and social complexity. Faith does not follow the mentality of the world slavishly, but it does not shy away from confronting cultural forms: a faith that renounced irrigating history to transform it would betray itself.

The research project aims to focus on some of the numerous issues mentioned above, aiming to offer a reasoned theoretical interpretation and a convincing educational-pastoral elaboration, inspired by the pedagogical and spiritual wisdom of Saint John Bosco. It thus arises from a believing and charismatically connoted approach, but intends to speak a word that is not merely confessional about the human experience that unites us all.

The research is structured into a series of five seminars, the results of which are being published step by step in the ongoing Quaderni. The various seminars successively address (1) the changes and challenges of affective culture, (2) the meaning of sexual difference, (3) the maturation of affections and the good life, (4) affective and sexual education, (5) charismatic inspiration and the study of good practices in place.

Conference “Youth and Sexuality: Challenges, Criteria, and Educational Paths”

The conference, which will be held at our university from 1 to 3 March 2024, is intended for educators, religious men and women, priests, and pastoral workers. It marks the culmination of the interdisciplinary reflection process described so far and the starting point of a new educational proposal to enable educators to accompany young people in the delicate and vital area of their affective lives.

Through the following link, you can visit the dedicated conference website, consult the program, and register. Discounts are available for those who register by January 31, 2024.