Psychopedagogic Centre

The Psychopedagogic Centre of the Faculty of Sciences of Education of the Salesian Pontifical University was founded in 1977. The Centre is a research and intervention laboratory that operates with preventive and promotional purposes, combining pedagogical intervention with clinical and psychosocial ones.

The initiatives promoted by the Centre especially favour interventions towards promotion of health and integral education. The Psycho-pedagogic Centre wishes to offer professional and qualified service to educative and formative agencies, families, young people, adolescents, children, religious and priests. In addition, the Centre also intends to provide teachers of the Faculty of Education with new and updated possibilities for scientific research in the various sectors of diagnostic, psychological and pedagogical intervention. Particular attention is paid to the involvement of students of the Faculty of the Sciences of Education, through internships or research activities, and of alumni of the University who share its mission. To achieve these goals, the Centre works in synergy with local bodies, institutions and associations that pursue similar purposes and operate in the territory or in the Salesian context, proposing itself as a bridge between the University Institution and the local community.