The software that helps you study


UPS makes the "Citavi Knowledge Organization" software available to lecturers, students and administrative staff.

Citavi helps manage all stages of academic work, from finding sources to organizing knowledge, from scheduling tasks to creating the bibliography. 

Citavi social


With Citavi you can:

  • Import over 4,600 sources at your disposal from Database, Library catalogues, etc.
  • Rework what was searched for with the subject of your research
  • Export the data imported and reprocessed in your research work



For more information, watch this video Citavi in a Nutshell 
(with Italian subtitles).


To install Citavi 6

  1. Download and install the installation file:
  2. To set your password, at the login prompt click on: "La mia università" and follow the directions. The e-mail address requested must necessarily be the institutional one (
  3. You will receive an e-mail with instructions on how to create your personal password.

If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it at