Prevention and management of harassment cases

The Salesian Pontifical University, as a service to the human, ecclesial and Salesian family, aims at the integral formation - intellectual and human - of its recipients. The Statutes, the Study Regulations and the Regulations mark the lines of conduct and action that characterise the UPS in the fulfilment of its specific mission of study and research, teaching and training, and service to the territory.

UPS therefore expects teaching and non-teaching personnel and students to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the aforementioned regulations, in compliance with civil and canonical legislation. UPS promotes and defends in an inclusive manner the dignity of every human person and their rights, through its mission and educational work. 

The Rector appoints a minimum of three and a maximum of five Trust Advisors, for a three-year period, chosen from persons external or internal to the University who have documented human and professional experience suitable for carrying out the required tasks. The Trust Advisors provide advice and assistance to anyone who reports being a victim of sexual or moral harassment.

For procedural aspects, please refer to the Regulations for the prevention and handling of sexual and moral harassment cases.

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