Who are we


UPS Student profile

UPS regularly elaborates and updates the "Profile of a Student at UPS", usually included in the University's Institutional and Strategic Project (PIeS).

A student at UPS joins as a member of the university community and is accompanied on his or her journey towards personal and professional growth.


As a member of the University, the student is called to be:

  • aware of the exigencies of study and formation in the university;
  • interested and involved in the activities that accompany the academic journey: conferences, round tables, activities of deeper learning and meetings;
  • capable of acquiring mastery over method, perspective, access to the most suitable sources and tools to mature and cultivate a dynamic professionalism and a propensity for ongoing formation;
  • open to a vision of life inspired by the values that make up the Christian heritage, confronting the thought and action of the Church on the fundamental issues of existence, society, civil coexistence and ethical issues.


UPS invites the student to be:

  • protagonist of one’s own growth. It is typical of Salesian pedagogy and environment, to ensure that every young person is involved as a responsible protagonist, in the educational and formative process in the university;
  • builder of family spirit. With teachers and colleagues, the student establishes relationships that are direct and simple, cordial and sincere, that of trust and of spirit of collaboration; he or she becomes a builder of an environment in which everyone can feel welcome as a living and important part;
  • available to represent students in university bodies and possibly to represent the University at other training institutions;
  • supportive and sensitive to the cultural diversity. According to the Salesian charism, which invites all young people to feel responsible for their friends and colleagues, this contributes to building a welcoming and respectful environment;
  • skilled in team work and interested in the richness of various possibilities. UPS believes that spirituality, liturgy, moments of community and sharing contribute to integral growth, and positively characterize the environment;
  • aware of the social role he or she will have to play. A student at UPS, grasps fully the social and ecclesial relevance of being an educator, theologian, philosopher, communicator, canonist, a person of letters and assumes ethical responsibility for his or her work.

Student participation

Students have a collegial body, according to the Statutes and the Regulations of the Faculty.
Its tasks are:

  • to examine the academic problems common to students and make appropriate proposals;
  • to elect the delegates to the Senate and to the Faculty Council.