Who are we

Councils and Commissions

Administration Council

  • Andrea Bozzolo, President
  • Renzo Barduca
  • Sahayadas Fernando
  • Jarosław Rochowiak
  • Michal Vojtáš

The economic management of the UPS is entrusted to the Economer of UPS who, together with the Economic Administrative Council, is responsible for technical tasks relating to economic planning, financial administration of UPS and the coordination of the economic activities of the individual Faculties.

The Library Council

  • Andrea Bozzolo, President
  • Marcello Sardelli, Director
  • Emiro Cepeda, Economer
  • Tadeusz Lewicki
  • Maurizio Marin
  • Thiago Barros
  • Zbigniew Formella

It is responsible for the necessities and exigencies of the University Library.

The Office for the Promotion of Quality, of Research and of the Valuation of the University (UPS-Q)

  • Gustavo Cavagnari, Director
  • Antonio Dellagiulia
  • Ubaldo Montisci
  • Maria Paola Piccini
  • Francisco Sánchez Leyva
As of 8 December 2018, the new UPS-Q Office took over the tasks hitherto assigned to the former Quality Office, the CIR (Interfaculty Research Committee) and CREDI (Interfaculty Research and Data Processing Centre).
It studies and suggests the policies and strategies suitable for the implementation of the Institutional and Strategic Project (PIeS) and the Quality Enhancement Plan. It is an internal body of control that is responsible for assessing, through specific questionnaires, the satisfaction of students with regard to courses, and studies the value of the services offered through assessments of the Teaching Staff and the other Staff of UPS.
The Office ensures the necessary valuation processes of the university, identifies and promotes common, convergent and cyclical operational guidelines for improving the quality of the services offered by the university, in particular with research in teaching and ongoing formation of the lecturers and collaborators.

Office for Communication and Development

  • Francesco Langella, Director
  • Enrica Pescetelli

It deals with the internal and external communication of the University, advertises Faculty events and plans specific communication strategies. It takes care of external relations with the media, with information professionals and other institutions to present - as faithfully as possible – the image of the UPS. The Office manages fundraising campaigns for the scholarships of the Pro Universitate Don Bosco ETS Association.

Commission for Communication

  • Michal Vojtáš, President
  • Francesco Langella, UCS Director
  • Karol Piotr Kulpa, FT
  • Antony Christy Lourdunathan, FSE
  • Tiziano Conti, FF
  • José Luiz Lima de MendonçaFLCC
  • Tommaso Sardelli, FSC
  • Renzo Barduca, Administration
  • Jarosław Rochowiak, General Secretary

It is a collegiate body that collaborates with the Office for Communication and Development and expresses the needs of various relaities of the University, in terms of communication.


Commission for Development

  • Andrea Bozzolo, President
  • Francesco Langella, UCS Director
  • Renzo Barduca, Administration
  • Jarosław Rochowiak, General Secretary
  • Michal Vojtáš

Loyalty Counsellors

  • Francesca Busnelli
  • Maria Rita Colasanti
  • Shaji Joseph Puykunnel


  • Carmen Barbieri, Direction and Secretary
  • Maria Pasquini, Administration

Editorial Council of LAS

  • Andrea Bozzolo, President
  • Carmen Barbieri, LAS Director
  • Renzo Barduca
  • Sahayadas Fernando
  • Antonio Dellagiulia
  • Fabio Pasqualetti
  • Mauro Mantovani

It takes forward its activities at the service of the faculties of the UPS, taking care of publications, also of the Institute for Salesian History and of the Pontifical Faculty of the Sciences of Education "Auxilium," belonging to the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians.


Direction of the magazine "Salesianum"

  • Marco Panero, Director
  • Claudia Caneva
  • Karol Kulpa
  • Carmelo Alessio Meli
  • Francisco Sánchez Leyva

Direction of the magazine "Orientamenti Pedagogici"

  • Mario Oscar Llanos, Director
  • Antonio Dellagiulia
  • Anna Rita Colasanti
  • Andrea Zampetti

UPS Historical Archive

  • Aldo Giraudo, In charge
  • Giorgio Bonardi
  • Marcello Sardelli

Student Aid Commission

  • Michal Vojtáš, President
  • Emiro Cepeda
  • Renzo Barduca
  • Jarosław Rochowiak
  • Jaime de Jesús Gonzalez

Centre for Computer and Telematics Services (CESIT)

  • Giorgio Bonardi, Director
  • Fabio Pasqualetti
  • Ottavio Prandini

University Pastoral Team

  • Michal Vojtáš, Coordinator in charge
  • Samuel Amaglo
  • Carmen Barbieri
  • Tiziano Conti
  • Isabella Cordisco
  • Ferdinand Kalengayi
  • Antony Christy Lourdunathan
  • Paweł Wątor
  • Rappresentanti degli studenti

Don Bosco Study Centre

  • Michal Vojtáš, Director
  • Massimo Schwarzel, Secretary
  • Wim Collin
  • Aldo Giraudo
  • Dariusz Grządziel