Who are we

Academic Authorities

The University in its structure is functional in relation to its identity and to the pursuit of the objectives it has set for itself. It is composed as follows:


Grand Chancellor

Most Reverend Fr Ángel Fernández Artime

He is the Rector Major of the Society of St. John Bosco and represents the Holy See at the University and vice versa. He has full authority over the University, and is the custodian and interpreter of the Statutes, the Study Plan and the Regulations. He promotes the vision of the university and safeguards its Christian and Salesian identity.


prof. don Andrea Bozzolo

He directs and promotes the identity and activity of the academic community. He oversees the implementation of the normative indications of the Apostolic See, the Salesian Congregation and the Grand Chancellor, as well as the observance of the Statutes, the Study Plan and the Regulations of UPS. He nurtures the cooperation among the Faculties and Institutes and takes care of the presence of UPS in the network of universities and in the diplomatic and academic context. Appointed by the Congregation for Catholic Education, he remains in office for three years.


prof. don Kevin Otieno Mwandha

He is given to help the Rector in carrying out his duties and replaces him when he is absent or impeded. He is proposed by the Rector, after consultation with the Academic Senate, and is appointed by the Grand Chancellor.




Each Faculty is led by the Dean, who promotes and coordinates the internal activities, convenes and presides with right, the Faculty Council, the Teaching Staff and the Study Commissions. The Dean represents the Faculty inside and outside the University and ensures compliance with the Statutes and Regulations established by the competent Authorities.

prof. don Sahayadas FERNANDO

Faculty of Theology

prof. don Luis Galache ROSÓN

Faculty of Philosophy

prof. Roberto FUSCO

Faculty of Christian and Classic Literature


prof. don Fabio Pasqualetti

Faculty of Sciences of Social Communication

prof. don Antonio Dellagiulia

Faculty of Sciences of Education



General Secretary

don Jarosław  Rochowiak

The Secretary General is the General Manager of the General Secretariat of the University; he is responsible all official documents of the University and collaborates closely with the Rector on whom he depends.


don Renzo Barduca

He is entrusted with the economic management of UPS, in collaboration with the Economic Administrative Council.