Who are we


During the General Chapter of the Salesians the idea arises of gathering Salesian clerics in special houses for their priestly formation.
At the same time the theological studentates of Foglizzo Canavese, of San Gregorio of Catania, of Grand Bigard (Belgium), of Manga (Uruguay) and of Campello (Spain) are born.

The studentate of Foglizzo has its humble beginnings. The first batch had 12 pupils, in 1914 they reach 120. Since its inception, the studentate has had an international character, welcoming Salesians in formation from Italy, France, Germany, England and Slovenia, and later from Spain, Brazil, Poland, Hungary.
The Studentate of Foglizzo obtained from the Holy See the privilege of conferring the degree of Bachelor and subsequently of Licentiate.
After the First World War, the International Theological Studentate reopens and they begin to think of a larger campus in Turin.
Blessed Filippo Rinaldi transfers the Studentate to Turin. In those years, the growth of the Salesian Work, and the consequent need to have teachers capable of teaching ecclesiastical disciplines in the various houses of study, pushed the Superiors to send numerous young confreres to the Roman Ecclesiastical Universities. In the year of Don Bosco's canonization (1934), there were about 150 students in the Italian capital.
September 12, 1923
The International Theological Studentate moves from Foglizzo to Crocetta, Turin.
Pope Pius XI publishes the Apostolic Constitution Deus Scientiarum Dominus: Ecclesiastical Universities and Faculties endow themselves with new Regulations.

The Rector Major Don Pietro Ricaldone takes action to promote the adaptation of theological study programs to the new Pontifical indications, and at the same time looking to obtain the canonical erection of at least a Pontifical Theological Faculty.
May 2, 1936
Don Ricaldone expresses to Pope Pius XI the desire to erect a Salesian Theological Faculty. Mons. Ernesto Ruffini, Secretary of the Sacred Congregation of Seminaries and Universities, suggested not to limit themselves to a Theological Faculty, but also to establish those of Canon Law and Philosophy: “do not think only of the Theological Faculty, but also of others. Prepare yourself".

The libraries are developed and scientific laboratories of Biology, Experimental Psychology, Physics and Ethnology are built up at the Conti Rebaudengo Institute in Turin.
The journal Salesianum is founded and the Biblical Museum is set up.
January 21, 1940
Don Andrea Gennaro goes to Rome to present the Statutes and submit them for examination by Mons. Ruffini.
February 19, 1940
Don Ricaldone presents to Pope Pius XII, a request for the erection of the Salesian Pontifical Athenaeum.
May 3, 1940
The Holy See with a special decree, signed by Card. Giuseppe Pizzardo, approves and erects the Salesian Pontifical Athenaeum, under the guidance of Don Ricaldone, who was its first Grand Chancellor.

Despite the difficulties caused by the Second World War, the University continues its activities and even manages to start an Institute and Seminar of Pedagogy, in the Faculty of Philosophy.
June 12, 1940
The Holy See approves the Statutes of the Salesian Pontifical Athenaeum (Pontificio Ateneo Salesiano – PAS)
October 16, 1940
Inauguration of the first academic year (1940-1941) of the PAS.
October 26, 1940
Fr Andrea Gennaro is confirmed as the first Rector Magnifico (Vice Chancellor) of PAS.
November 4, 1940
The first 30 professors of the PAS receive the Nihil obstat: 7 Ordinary and 23 Extraordinary Professors.
October 11, 1941
The "species facultatis" of Pedagogy was launched, which became a Higher Institute of Pedagogy on 4 July 1956 and in 1973, with the elevation of PAS to a University, it was confirmed as the Faculty of Education.
During the Second World War, students and teachers were transferred to the Salesian house in Bagnolo Piedmont. In 1942 and in 1944 the Don Bosco International Institute was hit by the bombardment of Turin.
July 2, 1956
The Sacred Congregation approves the Higher Institute of Pedagogy, annexed to the Faculty of Philosophy, with the authorization to confer academic degrees in Philosophy and Pedagogy also to non-Salesian students.
Following the growth and internationalization of the Salesian Congregation and out of a desire for greater proximity to the Apostolic See, PAS moved to Rome, to the Sacred Heart Campus, with the Faculty of Philosophy, the Higher Institute of Pedagogy and the Faculty of Canon Law.
September 1965
The University moved from Turin to Rome, in the locality of Nuovo Salario, in order to unify all the Faculties in a single campus for a better collaboration.
First Academic Year in the new campus at Rome in the locality of Nuovo Salario.
Febraury 22, 1964
Paul VI, with the Motu Proprio Studia Latinitatis, constitutes the Pontificium Institutum Altioris Latinitatis, which since 1971 has become the Faculty of Christian and Classical Literature.
October 29, 1966
Pope Paul VI presides over the official inauguration of the new PAS.
May 24, 1973
With the Motu Proprio Magisterium vitae, the Athenaeum is elevated to the rank of a Pontifical University (Università Pontificia Salesiana – UPS), organized into five Faculties: Theology, Sciences of Education, Philosophy, Canon Law, and Christian and Classical Literature.
January 31, 1981
On the feast of St. John Bosco, John Paul II visits the University. On this occasion, the Holy Father exhorted "a living awareness of the primary ecclesial task" of the University, indicating its particular "evangelizing function in a specifically catechetical key" and summarizing its project "in favor of today's human person and in particular of youth" in the project of “Knowing God in man and knowing man in God”; that is, more concretely, consisting of "knowing Christ in man and knowing man in Christ".
June 29, 1986
By decree of the Congregation for Catholic Education (Prot. N. 1258/85/8), the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences was erected within the Faculty of Theology.
December 8, 1986
The Department of Youth Ministry and Catechetics is established, entrusted to the coordinated collaboration of the Faculties of Theology and Sciences of Education.
December 17, 1988
On the centenary of Don Bosco's death, the Higher Institute of Sciences of Social Communication (ISCOS) was born.
May 27, 1998
The Higher Institute of Sciences of Social Communication becomes the Faculty of the Sciences of Social Communication.
January 31, 2006
Inauguration of the new Space for the Don Bosco Library.
December 8, 2019
The Grand Chancellor Fr Ángel Fernández Artime presents to the Congregation for Catholic Education the Statutes, the Regulation of Courses and the General Regulations, revised in the light of the Apostolic Constitution Veritatis gaudium.
May 24, 2020
The Grand Chancellor of the University Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, promulgates the renewed General Statutes and those of the Faculties, along with the Regulations of Courses and General Regulations of UPS.
May 3, 2020
The Salesian Pontifical University – UPS – celebrates 80 years since its foundation.