
Final Event of the “Fare Formazione” Master’s Program

During the event, it will be possible to attend the keynote lecture by Prof. Gabriele Gabrielli, Professor of Compensation and Human Resource Management
  5 settembre 2024

Saturday, September 14, at 9:30 AM, the 1st edition of the university Master’s program “Fare Formazione”, conducted in collaboration with the European University of Rome (UER), will conclude. During the ceremony, which will take place in the Thesis Hall of UER, diplomas will be awarded, and it will be possible to attend the keynote lecture by Prof. Gabriele Gabrielli, Professor of Compensation and Human Resource Management at UER.

The master’s program, now approaching its second edition, dedicates a lot of space to practical activities to provide participants with multiple opportunities to test themselves and directly engage in training actions. It is aimed at those who, in various capacities, are involved – or would like to be involved – in extracurricular training, particularly adult education, in profit, non-profit, and public utility sectors, such as companies, cooperatives, and organizations.

During the course, participants learn to analyze demand, interact with clients and recipients (with a strong focus on public speaking and effective communication), design actions, identify financial resources, manage the classroom; and also to select the best collaborators, evaluate results, and understand the technologies and tools best suited to conduct various sessions.

Classes are held in person on the first weekend of each month and online, with space for role-playing, exercises, simulations, and case analysis.

During the event, the 2nd edition of the Master’s program – directed by prof. Andrea Dessardo (UER) and coordinated by prof Francesca Romana Busnelli (UPS)  –  will also be presented, with the start scheduled for November.

The morning will conclude with a light lunch.