Faculty of Educational Sciences

Religious Education

The Religious Education curriculum aims to provide basic and specialized training to enable the organization, management, and promotion of activities related to religion in schools and communities. This is achieved through the qualification of teachers, researchers, leaders, and coordinators at school offices and the Catholic Religion Teaching Service (IRC) at various levels, trainers of Catholic religion teachers, and experts in school pastoral care.


Bachelor’s Degree in Educational Sciences: Religious Education

The first cycle of the Bachelor’s in Educational Sciences: Religious Education aims to train educators who develop professional competence at an intermediate level.

Specifically, this profile includes pathways for the preparation of educators in the field of school pastoral care.


Licentiate in Educational Sciences: specialization in Education and Religion

The second cycle of the Licentiate in Educational Sciences, specialization in Education and Religion, prepares competent religious educators capable of operating in the field of Catholic religion teaching, enabling them to organize, manage, and promote activities related to religion in schools and communities.

The study program allows the acquisition of the following competencies:

  • development of projects and training itineraries in religious-Christian culture in dialogue with multicultural and multireligious realities;
  • use of knowledge in the field of religious teaching in the Church with its phases, dynamics, contents, and methodologies;
  • analysis, interpretation, and guidance of religious teaching processes in schools;
  • application of criteria and use of appropriate methodologies in different places where religious teaching is carried out;
  • design and coordination of school pastoral initiatives;
  • development of skills for creating educational aids;
  • research and planning in the field of religious teaching;
  • cultural, intercultural, and interreligious dialogue.


In particular, this curriculum includes pathways for the preparation of managerial staff and experts for specific sectors of ecclesial activity, serving schools and the Christian community. The Licentiate in Educational Sciences with a specialization in Education and Religion prepares:

  • Teachers of Catholic religion;
  • Leaders and coordinators at ecclesial level in School Offices and the Catholic Religion Teaching Service;
  • Trainers of religion teachers and religious culture;
  • Experts in school pastoral care;
  • Researchers and consultants at a higher level in religious sciences and religious culture;
  • Managers of research and planning in the field of religious teaching;
  • Experts in study centers and editorial and multimedia activities in the religious field.


Doctorate in Religious Education