Faculty of Educational Sciences

Social Pedagogy

The curriculum aims to train the figure of the socio-pedagogical professional educator in services/structures for prevention, support, personal care, and development of the local community, capable of responsibly carrying out educational interventions for people at all stages of their life cycle, for families, for groups, and local communities, both in territorial interventions and within formal and non-formal structures and services, with particular attention to discomfort, marginalization, mental health, disability, the promotion of interculturality, and socio-cultural animation.


Bachelor’s Degree in Educational Sciences: Social Pedagogy

The first cycle of the Bachelor’s Degree in Educational Sciences: Social Pedagogy aims to train education professionals with theoretical and practical skills in the socio-pedagogical field, operating in socio-educational and socio-assistance services and interventions, as well as in health services, limited to socio-educational aspects.


The Bachelor’s Degree in Educational Sciences: Social Pedagogy offers three specializations:

Socio-pedagogical professional educator in educational services/structures for prevention, support, personal care, and development of the local community

This specialization aims to train professional educational figures capable of responsibly carrying out education and care activities for people and families at all stages of the life cycle within formal and non-formal structures and services, with particular attention to discomfort, marginalization, the promotion of interculturality, and socio-cultural animation.

Professional educator in educational services for children

The curriculum aims to train the figure of the professional educator in educational services for children, capable of responsibly carrying out education and care activities for individuals in developmental age up to adulthood, with specific educational skills concerning children in the age range of 0-3 years and/or for the typical, atypical, and pathological development of educational subjects, with the ability to relate to their families and/or other reference figures, as well as with the territory, in a logic of promoting well-being and social inclusion of the person.

Socio-pedagogical professional educator in educational services for disability

This specialization aims to train the figure of the socio-pedagogical educator in services for disability, capable of activating appropriate strategies to contribute to the integration of people with disabilities into the community. The educational action aims to initiate a path towards full citizenship of people with disabilities, considering the different areas of intervention: Care, Education (understood as learning), Therapy/Treatment, Intervention, Protection, Promotion of living spaces, and inclusive activities.



Licentiate in Educational Sciences: Social Pedagogy

The second cycle of the Licentiate in Educational Sciences: Social Pedagogy aims to prepare a versatile professional in education, training, and re-education, an expert in research and the design of adult training processes, territorial educational systems, and their integration.


The Licentiate in Educational Sciences: Social Pedagogy offers two specializations:

Design and Management

This specialization trains professionals capable of:

  • designing educational and socio-educational service systems in contexts and territories as a response to identified or emerging educational needs;
  • organizing and managing educational and training interventions and services or support for training, in all their aspects (family, school, logistical, environmental, specific sectors and contexts, etc.);
  • activating and animating integrated territorial networks to support educational interventions.


This specialization aims to train professionals capable of:

  • evaluating and supporting educational and socio-educational work for the benefit of operators and pedagogical work groups (supervision, consultancy, training);
  • enhancing and training educational figures (professionals, trainers, animators, parents, religious figures, etc.);
  • managing and facilitating the resolution of educational issues in specific contexts


Doctorate in Educational Sciences: Social Pedagogy