Faculty of Educational Sciences

Pedagogy for School and Professional Training

The curriculum in Pedagogy for School and Professional Training aims to train teachers, researchers, operators, trainers, administrators, and managers serving educational institutions, particularly Catholic schools, and professional training in the pedagogical-didactic field.


Bachelor’s Degree in Educational Sciences: Pedagogy for School and Professional Training

This first cycle of the Bachelor’s Degree aims to prepare individuals with competencies (knowledge, skills, and attitudes in work and/or study situations) to operate in pedagogical, organizational, and didactic fields.

The program prepares:

  • coordinators and other intermediate figures in educational and training institutions;
  • trainers, coordinators, and experts in learning processes and the organization of educational institutions in the pedagogical-didactic field, with attention to the school world, professional training, and Catholic schools, in the perspective of lifelong learning;
  • coordinators and trainers responsible for the continuous training of teachers.



Licentiate in Educational Sciences: Pedagogy for School and Professional Training

The second cycle aims to refine and deepen the competencies and attitudes acquired in the Bachelor’s degree and to promote the possibility of new developments in initial and continuous professional training. The student will be able to complete their qualification with a focus on the following educational orientations:

  • learning and teaching in the classroom: understanding and educational intervention for issues related to these areas, experts in counseling and school psycho-pedagogy, experimental research;
  • management of educational and training institutions, particularly of Christian inspiration (management and evaluation of training processes, management of human resources, conflicts, and decision-making processes);
  • consultancy for the design and training of professional figures (analysis of training needs, didactic design, and educational research).

These professionals can find placement in public and private educational and training institutions. Particular attention is given to the use of digital educational media and online and distance learning.

The Licentiate curriculum assumes the acquisition of the corresponding Bachelor’s Degree (or another recognized equivalent title, with appropriately evaluated accreditations).


The student acquires competencies based on the professional profiles identified within the three orientations: didactic, managerial, and design/training:

  • understanding and managing group and individualized teaching and learning processes in educational contexts (particularly those characterized by intercultural dimensions);
  • promoting processes of individual and group professional development in educational intervention;
  • developing leadership, coordination, and planning skills for educational activities;
  • designing and managing educational paths using active participation techniques in presence, as well as with technological supports at a distance or online.



Doctorate in Educational Sciences: Pedagogy for School and Professional Training