Faculty of Philosophy

Study Programs

Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy

The first cycle of the Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy, lasting three years, aims to offer a solid introduction to the fundamental themes of philosophy from a theoretical, historical, and methodological perspective. The educational path is characterized by a thorough historical investigation of philosophical and scientific thought from antiquity to the present day, combined with critical reflection on various areas of systematic philosophy (theoretical, logic, epistemology, linguistics, ethics, politics, aesthetics) and contemporary issues that most challenge philosophical reflection.

The Bachelor’s curriculum in Philosophy contributes to defining a professional figure prepared for employment opportunities in various sectors of civil and ecclesiastical fields, particularly in humanistic, educational, and pedagogical activities, in traditional and multimedia publishing, and in cultural promotion at public, private, and ecclesiastical institutions.

The Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy, as configured, can be considered equivalent to the L-5 Degree Class (Degree Class in Philosophy) according to the current Italian university system.

Licentiate in Philosophy

The second cycle of the Licentiate in Philosophy, lasting two years, is characterized by in-depth research and specialization, both in traditional areas of historical-philosophical research and in contemporary issues that concern man and his religious, educational, social, and political dimensions.

The transversal skills developed within the Licentiate curriculum in Philosophy allow for occupational versatility in multiple sectors:

  • Teaching Philosophy at the pre-university level (high schools) and education at public and private schools and training institutes.
  • Human resources management services at companies or organizations.
  • Cultural and editorial operator at libraries, museums, publishing houses, cultural institutions.
  • External communication and press office staff.


The structure of the study programs meets the standards required by the Bologna Process and European civil and university institutions for the recognition of degrees. Therefore, the Licentiate curriculum in Philosophy can be considered equivalent to the Master’s Degree in Philosophical Sciences for the Italian university system (Second Level Degree LM-78).

The Faculty of Philosophy at UPS is also affiliated with other Italian universities to allow for the attainment of the state title.


The Licentiate in Philosophy offers two specializations:

  • Licentiate in Philosophy with a specialization in historical-anthropological sciences
  • Licentiate in Philosophy with a specialization in human and social sciences

Licentiate in Philosophy with a specialization in historical-anthropological sciences

The Licentiate curriculum in Philosophy with a specialization in historical-anthropological sciences is characterized by a robust philosophical framework, along with a strong focus on the relationship between philosophy, historical sciences, and anthropological sciences. The nature of the courses and the teaching methodology provide the student with the necessary intellectual tools to conduct fruitful personal philosophical research.

The Licentiate curriculum in Philosophy with a specialization in historical-anthropological sciences is primarily configured for teaching in upper secondary schools, for the chair of Philosophy and History.

Licentiate in Philosophy with a Specialization in Human and Social Sciences

The Licentiate curriculum in Philosophy with a specialization in human and social sciences is characterized by a solid philosophical and historical-philosophical education, open to interaction with human and social sciences, especially in the educational and formative fields. Graduates are professionally prepared for teaching in upper secondary schools, as well as for educational and formative employment opportunities.


Doctorate in Philosophy

The third cycle of the Doctorate in Philosophy, lasting at least three years, aims to achieve full scientific maturity, contributing to the advancement of research in the respective field of study. The Doctorate qualifies students for a career as researchers and for teaching in universities, subject to other legal requirements.

Admission to the Doctorate cycle requires a Licentiate in Philosophy. To obtain the academic title of Doctorate, candidates must fulfill the academic commitments required for the third cycle, successfully defend their doctoral dissertation before a committee, and publish the dissertation, at least in its main part.



University Diploma in Philosophy

To meet the needs of candidates for the priesthood and other students who need to acquire the philosophical training required for access to theological studies, the Faculty established the University Diploma in Philosophy, lasting two years, starting from the academic year 2012/2013.

It fully complies with the regulations issued by the Congregation for Catholic Education (Decree on the Reform of Ecclesiastical Studies of Philosophy of January 28, 2011), also allowing the possibility of completing philosophical studies in the future, with a view to obtaining the academic degree of Bachelor’s.

Higher Education Diploma in Philosophy

To offer the opportunity for an initial approach to the fundamental themes of philosophy, the Faculty promotes a Higher School of Philosophical Education, with intensive weekly lessons held on Saturday mornings. The courses, organized on a biennial cycle, correspond to the main systematic and historical philosophical disciplines and are accredited according to the ECTS (European Credits Transfer System).