Faculty of Christian and Classical Letters

Christian and Classical Letters

The Faculty of Christian and Classical Letters aims to train professionals for:

  • Schools of all levels and seminaries, as:
    • Teacher of Latin/Greek classical language and literature
    • Professor of patristics and ancient Christian literature
    • Trainer of teachers of Latin/Greek classical language and literature
  • Curias and ecclesiastical chanceries, as:
    • Reader and interpreter of texts in Latin
    • Composer of texts in Latin, especially canonical, liturgical, and epigraphic
  • Publishing houses as translators and editors of ancient works.
  • Cultural institutions in general that deal with ancient civilization and Western Christianity in history, as professionals in scientifically qualified activities.



The Faculty offers the following study cycles:

  • First cycle of Bachelor’s Degree: 3 years
  • Second cycle of Licentiate: 2 years
  • Third cycle of Doctorate: 3 years



Bachelor’s Degree in Christian and Classical Letters

The first cycle of the Bachelor’s Degree prepares students in Latin and Greek, enabling them to read, understand, and translate texts written in these languages. The teaching of classical languages through the natural method promotes the acquisition of the ethical-spiritual values of classical humanitas and the theological-spiritual tradition of the patristic era.

Licentiate in Christian and Classical Letters

In the second cycle of the Licentiate, students deepen their knowledge in three disciplinary areas, acquiring the corresponding skills: teaching of classical languages, composition in Latin, especially ecclesiastical, and patristic literature.

Doctorate in Christian and Classical Letters

The third cycle is dedicated to specialized research, involving the composition of a scientific monograph under the direction of a professor. Students must also attend two monographic courses chosen from those offered periodically (or every two years) and must conduct some institutional lessons. The third cycle concludes with the defense of the doctoral dissertation. The research areas that the FLCC/PIAL intends to promote through doctoral theses are, in line with its identity and purpose, all those related to the contents of Humanitas, both pagan and Christian, their mutual relationships, and their respective developments in various eras, from antiquity to the contemporary age, including the teaching of classical languages.


The Faculty of Christian and Classical Letters, in addition to regular courses, organizes summer courses in Latin and Greek language and literature, which conclude with the issuance of a certificate of attendance.