Faculty of Theology

Licentiate in Spiritual Theology

This Licentiate cycle is one of the specialized study paths offered by the Faculty of Theology. It aims to prepare students for teaching theological disciplines in University Faculties and Ecclesiastical Centers of Higher Studies, as well as for carrying out specialized apostolates in the fields of religious education, youth ministry, catechesis, and spiritual animation.


The curriculum in Spirituality is divided into:

Spiritual Theology with a Particular Focus on Youth

The specialization in Spiritual Theology is characterized by its apostolic orientation and a particular focus on Salesian and youth spirituality, as well as the various differentiated forms of spiritual life. Doctrinal and historical contents are integrated with anthropological and methodological components to prepare teachers and experts in this specific field.

Salesian Studies

The specialization in Spiritual Theology in Salesian Studies focuses on the training of formators, teachers, and researchers capable of using historical, theological, and charismatic tools related to the history and spirituality of the Salesian Work, with the aim of updating it.

Training of Formators and Vocational Animators

The specialization in Training of Formators and Vocational Animators is a study program activated in collaboration with the Faculty of Educational Sciences to meet the needs of formation, integrating the theological-spiritual area with the pedagogical-methodological one. The curriculum prepares expert animators of priestly, consecrated, and lay vocations, competent in formative planning, spiritual accompaniment and direction, and teachers of Spiritual Theology. The curriculum is aimed at those responsible for permanent formation, directors and spiritual accompanists of young people, those responsible for vocational ministry, and those who intend to carry out a service of vocational animation and discernment in formation paths.


Third Cycle of Doctorate

The specialization path in theological research, common to all paths, aims to guide students to scientific maturity in research and teaching of theological disciplines.