Faculty of Social Communication Sciences

Social Communication, Digital Media and Culture

Bachelor’s Degree (3 years)

The first cycle of the Bachelor’s Degree in Social Communication, Digital Media, and Culture offers a professional training path that, through theoretical and practical study of communication disciplines, leads to the acquisition of knowledge and skills in the world of digital media and contemporary culture. The curriculum aims to prepare experts who can work in the following professional fields: 

  • Multimedia and cultural production for public and private organizations and institutions, secular and ecclesiastical, national and international
  • Third sector and non-profit enterprises (Associations for social and cultural promotion, NGOs, Volunteering, Social enterprises, Foundations, Youth centers, Parishes, Schools)
  • Communication Offices and Communication Enterprises (Agencies, Publishers, Periodicals, Radio and Television Broadcasters).


The Bachelor’s Degree in Social Communication, Digital Media, and Culture prepares the following professional figures:

  • Digital Editor of content in the field of audiovisual, multimedia, and trans-media productions
  • Info Manager - information manager for media and the web
  • Media Analyst - of multimedia content for the web and social media


Master’s Degree (2 years)

The second cycle of the Master’s Degree in Social Communication, Digital Media, and Culture aims to develop advanced knowledge and skills in the study, research, design, and management of communication processes, content, and organization. The curriculum prepares professionals capable of assuming high managerial responsibilities in the following professional fields: 

  • Communication within public and private organizations and institutions, secular and ecclesiastical, national and international
  • Third sector and non-profit enterprises (Associations for social and cultural promotion, NGOs, Volunteering, Social enterprises, Foundations, Youth centers, Parishes, Schools)
  • Communication Offices and Communication Enterprises (Agencies, Publishers, Periodicals, Radio and Television Broadcasters).


The Master’s Degree in Social Communication, Digital Media, and Culture prepares the following professional figures:

  • Manager/Head of Communication Offices and Enterprises
  • Producer/Head of multimedia, informational, and journalistic production in radio, television, and audiovisual fields
  • Executive Director of editorial lines, personnel management, and economic management in radio, television, and audiovisual fields
  • Manager/Head of multimedia production and information
  • Manager/Head of editorial lines of radio, television, audiovisual, and journalistic productions
  • Manager/Head of the organization and planning of online multimedia information systems (Integrated digital media specialist).


Doctorate (3 years)

The curriculum of the Doctorate in Social Communication, Digital Media, and Culture enables the ability to conduct studies and research independently and simultaneously and adequately develops the skills required for university teaching in the field of social communication.

In particular, research is promoted in the following macro areas:

  • Church and communication
  • Media and youth and/or popular culture
  • International and intercultural communication
  • New technologies and communication